Opening the pages provides a musty smell. The smell only an old book can provide. The paper is brittle and yellowed. You are holding a piece of history!
The White House Cookbook was originally published in 1926 and found its way into the KFGO studios by way of our good friend Peggy. Handed down from generation to generation in her home, this piece of history includes not only recipes – but menus from state dinners, health advice, homemade toiletries and more.
The recipes are both familiar and strange. A spinach salad is nothing new, but tomatoes stuffed with pineapple is definitely outside the normal Midwesterner’s wheelhouse.
You also get practical advice about things like “Removing Ink from the Carpet”
What a wonderful item to flip through as we prep the first “KFGO Listener Cookbook” in over 40 years. We are handling the hard work and ask that listeners send in their recipes. KFGO is going to make YOU a published author! Maybe we’ll even sneak in the conversion chart below for some fun.