If you are anything like our household, you may be disagreeing about what to get the kids for Christmas…
Do you try to keep it low-key so not to set an expectation of “stuff”? Is it “go big or go home” when it comes to the stuff under the tree?
(A once-a-year splurge isn’t bad, right? It is the Holiday season!)
Well, I have been arguing an empty box would serve as a great gift for our son… he is not even 2 years old, he won’t remember what we get him anyway and his fascination with empty boxes seems to be longer lasting than the toys in the toy box. AND, when he’s over it, when can put it in the recycling.
Well, good news, I now have DOCTOR APPROVAL to wrap that empty box!
Christmas 2018: Doctors recommend kids play with empty boxes instead of high-tech toys
Pediatricians say the best toys for kids are old-fashioned hands-on playthings that young children can enjoy with parents — things like blocks, puzzles — even throwaway cardboard boxes — that spark imagination and creativity.
“A cardboard box can be used to draw on, or made into a house,” said Dr. Alan Mendelsohn, co-author of a new report on selecting toys for young children, up to around age 5.
So, after you unpack you prime subscription box, wrap it up! Christmas shopping, done.
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