The Oscar buzz is already saying that Joaquin Phoenix is a shoe in for a nomination and, potentially, the Best Actor statue next year.
Those are other people’s words. Mine are the following.
The Joker is an amazing villain. Possibly the most complex comic book villain out there – not to mention the most entertaining. There is something simple about his outright zaniness that has made audiences go wild for Joker appearances for more than 50 years.
Here – in order – are my favorite versions of The Joker.
1. Batman: The Animated Series – voiced by Mark Hamill
This is THE best Joker. The episodes written around him are amazing, the design is perfect and the voice will always be my favorite. This Joker is the best. No one will ever be able to get me to change my mind. Many of tried, but none have done it. Come on, Bats!
2. The Dark Knight – played by Heath Ledger
3. Batman (1989) – played by Jack Nicholson
4. Batman (1966) – played by Cesar Romero
5. Joker – Joaquin Phoenix
I am putting this in here as just barely above the Joker from the Batman Arkham video game series (which was also voiced by Mark Hamill, but included cursing). While the movie didn’t float my boat as much as it seemed to butter up the masses, I do see some amazing intensity to the performance. The last half hour is awesome.
Honorable Mention: Joker from The Lego Batman Movie voiced by Zach Galifinakis. Just some good old fashioned fun here.
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