Just north of Hillsboro, ND – the Goose River swelled beyond its banks and caused moderate overland flooding. Highway 200 was shutdown near the dam, a large collection of downed trees press up against a bridge near Woodland Park and the home of my friends, The Andersons, is just a short canoe trip away. Yep, canoe trip.
Pete Anderson, seen above, leading his family to dry land with the help of a canoe and some waist high waders. Anderson said this was the fastest he can remember the river going from its banks to beyond their home.
(The Anderson family from left to right Claudia, Jill, Pete and Amy)
Here are some time lapse images to show how quickly the flood arrived at the Anderson’s door.
(The access road into Woodland Park with a large amount of trees on the western side of the bridge – the Traill County Sheriff was onsite blocking off roadways on the evening of 4/23/18)
See Exclusive Drone Footage of the flooding around the Anderson home.
(Shorter Video – 1min 11sec)