NDGF Moose Ashley Peterson Photo Credit
Like many growing up hunting, fishing and trapping, my memories of our North Dakota game
wardens were my first exposure to natural resource law enforcement. In LaMoure, it was Harold
Bellin. In Valley City, Delbert Tibke. Prior to becoming a game warden myself, I rode along with
Ken Skuza who took me under his wing and helped mentor me in my first post at Bottineau.
Hereโs a few of warden Ken Skuzaโs favorite stories in his own words:
Back in the 90s I was stationed in Kenmare when I received a call about a lynx in a garage just
north of town. At that point and time in my career I thought to myself, right, a lynx. I drove into
the farmyard and staring out of a window in the garage was a lynx. I talked to the individual and
agreed with her that it was a lynx.
She wanted it removed.
So, not the smartest thing Iโve ever done, I grabbed my fishing net out of the back of the truck
and walked into the garage, closing the door behind me. Yep, that lynx was not a happy guy. He
was staring at me, hissing and swatting one of his paws.
I walked up to the lynx, and he jumped at me. I swung the net and luckily caught the lynx in
midair. It twisted around so fast in the net, the net acted like a straitjacket and the lynx was
caught. I placed it into my dog kennel and took it to the vet in Minot.
requested my help with a sick moose south of Riverdale. I arrived a short time later and talked
with the guys. They pointed out the moose to me and told me it was sick or hurt due to the way
it was walking around.
Before I went into the field, I called the landowner and told him what was happening, and that I
would be driving on his field. I drove within 100 yards of the moose and watched it with my
binoculars. The moose was very thin. Every rib was showing, and his hind quarters were
nothing but bone.
I decided the moose needed to be put down.
I drove up within 50 yards of the moose and shot and it went down. I put the shotgun into the
backseat of the pickup and looked up. The moose was not only on his feet but was charging me
at full speed.
It happened so fast I did not have time to move the truck. The moose came right at the front of
my truck and at the last minute turned and left a pack of hair on my hood. The moose went by
my truck and fell over for the last time.
Upon examination of the moose, it was blind and would not have lived much longer.
More recently, I received a call about two bucks with locked antlers. I made two mistakes that
day: One, I brought another warden, and two, I got out of my pickup.
It may not be widely known but wardens like to poke each other when a mistake is made. I
arrived on location with the two whitetail bucks. I drove out to the deer, and one was not alive.
The other one appeared to be exhausted. I told the other warden I was going to shoot the
antlers off one of the deer. I got my shotgun out and walked up to the deer.
The deer that was alive looked to be at its wits end. I put the shotgun up to his antlers and
pulled the trigger. Well, he wasnโt exhausted. He jumped up and raked me from my ankles to
shotgun. The antler caught that too. Breaking my finger and making a bloody mess.
To this day I get reminded of the deer locked together.
Everyone loves to hear stories from the field.
Read more warden stories at https://gf.nd.gov/enforcement/behind-the-badge.