MN DNR Conservation Officer
Weekly CO report
District 1 โ Baudette area
Last updated: 2025-03-17
CO Ben Huener (Roseau) checked tip-up northern pike anglers and walleye/sauger anglers on Lake of the Woods. Tip-up anglers are reminded that when using dead bait to only use VHS-certified bait. Angling success has been spotty, but some pike anglers are finding larger fish in 8 to 12 feet of water. Other violations for the week included anglers using too many lines and fillet-possession infractions.
CO Tony Hams (Warroad North) spent the week checking area anglers and following up on various complaints. Violations encountered were angling without a license, no license in possession, no shelter tag, angling with extra lines, unattended lines, litter, possession of fillets on the ice, and unsafe passing.
CO Coby Fontes (Warroad South) spent the week patrolling Lake of the Woods and the Beltrami Island State Forest. Fontes reports that pike and walleye anglers had mixed success. Enforcement action was taken for angling with an extra line, possession of an illegal-length pike, no shelter license, and angling without a license.
CO Nicholas Prachar (Baudette West) reports varying ice conditions with the changing weather conditions. Time was spent working angling and snowmobile activity. Enforcement action was taken for no registration on a fish house and transporting fish without a patch of skin.
CO Paul Kennedy (Baudette East) checked on anglers throughout the week with various success reported. He followed up with a shelter license violation. Enforcement action for the week included no shelter license and improper information displayed on a shelter.
CO Jeremy Woinarowicz (Thief River Falls West) completed investigations into a North Dakota resident purchasing Minnesota resident licenses and firearm deer hunters taking deer with invalid licenses. He also attended a meeting in St. Paul. Enforcement action was taken for a nonresident purchasing a license restricted to residents and taking deer with an invalid deer license.
CO Nick Bruesewitz (Karlstad) spent the week investigating big-game violations that occurred during the firearms deer season. Time was also spent completing mandated training.
CO Brice Vollbrecht (Blackduck North) spent time on Upper Red Lake checking crappie anglers. Reports and success vary depending on the weather conditions. Most fish houses have been removed from the lake. He attended two different meetings to discuss Red Lake walleye populations and discuss limits for the upcoming open-water season.
CO Brianna Shaw (Blackduck South) spent the week patrolling for angling and recreational vehicle activity. Additional time was spent handling injured-wildlife calls
Weekly CO report
District 2 โ Bemidji area
Last updated: 2025-03-17
CO Tom Hutchins (Crookston) reports attending a firearms safety class in Fisher. Various wildlife-related complaints were received. Anglers were checked on area lakes.
CO Jake Swedberg (Detroit Lakes) continued training with his K9 partner Axel this week. Swedberg also answered questions about new fishing regulations.
CO William Landmark (Moorhead) field-trained COC Jepson and spent the week investigating violations that occurred during the previous deer season. An interview was conducted at a residence and enforcement action was taken for a big-game overlimit and illegal transport of a big-game animal. During ice angler checks this week, anglers had some luck and caught their panfish limits at a few local lakes. Calls were received from the public about bobcats possibly getting into a chicken coop, and a couple of dead coyotes discarded on a field edge. Other enforcement action for the week was taken for operating an ATV without lights, failing to display registration, and passenger restrictions.
CO Angela Warren (Mahnomen) monitored angling and fish house removal on area lakes. Wildlife management areas and waterfowl production areas were patrolled. Patrol was conducted for ATV and off-road vehicle activity. Follow up on open cases was performed.
CO Matthew Boyle (Pelican Rapids) spent the week checking late-ice anglers. Ice conditions deteriorated over the week, with several lakes being safe for foot travel only. Multiple violations for dirt bikes being operated on the roadway were dealt with. Boyle wants to remind riders that off-highway motorcycles are only allowed on private land or designated OHM trails.
CO Brady Manteufel (Bagley) checked area lakes this week and patrolled public lands for activity. Miscellaneous calls about wildlife were addressed and unattended and unmarked traps were removed.
Weekly CO report
District 3 โ Fergus Falls area
Last updated: 2025-03-17
CO Hanna Wood (Fergus Falls) spent the week focused on recreational vehicle, wetland/public waters, and angling enforcement. Anglers continue to have confidence in the ice, even with continued warm weather and rain. Please exercise extreme caution when venturing out on the ice.
CO Tricia Plautz (Henning) spent time this week on squad maintenance, checking anglers, and handling a road-killed fisher. Ice conditions continue to deteriorate and reports of an ATV and a vehicle through the ice were received. Thankfully no injuries were associated with these instances.
CO Ryan Brown (Elbow Lake) continued to monitor angling and ATV activity during the week. Ice conditions continue to deteriorate but a few anglers have been observed out on the ice. Use extreme caution if going out.
CO Shane Osborne (Evansville) worked on fishing violation investigations. Firearms safety classes were scheduled in the area. Canada geese, sandhill cranes, and ducks have been observed in the area with the spring-like weather.
CO Jake Homan (Alexandria) spent the week patrolling Douglas County. Time was spent checking anglers as they are attempting to get in on hot late-season panfish bites. Time was also spent working a trapping case. Individuals are reminded that you cannot register a furbearer for someone else. Only the person who caught the animal can register it. Enforcement action was taken on an overlimit of sunfish.
CO Bobby Stringer (Wheaton) reports an increase in shore anglers along border waters as the ice on Lake Traverse and the Mustinka River dissipates. Although that is the case, the bite is slow with very few fish observed. Stringer wants to remind anglers to be observant of vehicles along border-water bridge overpasses while making access. Stringer investigated a fire at a walk-in access and assisted a local agency with a mental health-related incident. Enforcement action for the week included angling with no license, no ATV registration, and failure to transfer ownership within 15 days.
CO Emily Douvier (Morris) reports working fishing enforcement and planning for an upcoming firearms safety class.
Weekly CO report
District 4 โ Walker area
Last updated: 2025-03-17
CO Nick Baum (Park Rapids) patrolled the local area for ice angling and snowmobile activity. Baum found several snowmobilers enjoying the recent snowfall. Trail conditions vary around the area with wet areas throughout the trails. Baum found varying success among anglers in the area. He took enforcement action for an overlimit of crappies. Baum assisted Hubbard County with a motor vehicle crash resulting in a DWI arrest. Baum, along with Hubbard County and Park Rapids agencies, rescued an individual who went through the ice on the Fishhook River. Baum urges those wandering out on the ice to continue to check ice thickness with conditions varying throughout the area.
CO Landyn Saewert (Wadena) checked anglers, fish houses, and ATVs. With the warm weather, more
ATV riders were observed out enjoying the weather. People are remined to respect the gravel roads as several complaints have been taken for ATV traffic tearing them up. DNR Forestry temporarily closed state forest roads due to the warming weather.
CO Patrick McGowan (Walker) patrolled Cass County lakes for angling activity. McGowan also spent time at Camp Ripley assisting with training. With the recent snowfall over the weekend, area lakes are slushy. Anglers should use caution if venturing out.
CO Corey Sura (Remer) monitored late-ice angling activities. During a check at a local access, Sura observed two individuals go through the ice with an ATV about 500 yards from the access. The individual Sura was checking told him to take his ?Snowdog? (small-tracked machine) out to them. One individual was out of the water and in the sled fish house, which was floating, and the other was standing on the ATV. Luckily, the water was only a few feet deep. Sura aided both individuals in getting onto stable ice. The owner of the Snowdog helped the two men get back to shore with his machine. Neither suffered any injuries. Please use extreme caution if venturing onto the ice this time of year.
CO Jacque Johnson (Longville) urges anglers to use caution when traveling out onto the ice. Johnson assisted with an ATV that fell through the ice.
Cass Lake vacant.
Staples vacant.
ATV rec officer vacant.
CO Daniel Baumbarger (Glenwood) reports enforcement efforts for the week were concentrated on checking anglers and ATV operators. Additional time was spent working on a commercial case and closing out several deer-season cases. Area ice is deteriorating quickly. Only foot traffic is encouraged while using caution if anglers decide to venture onto the ice.