Perhaps after years of watching politicians shrink from their principles, the shock has worn off. But now and then, when one of those politicians shows just how far they’ve shrunk from their commitments in times of uncertainty, it needs to be acknowledged. Welcome to the conversation North Dakota’s Attorney General Drew Wrigley.
On January 28th, states, cities, schools, nursing homes, veteran organizations, suicide hotlines, food programs, non-profits, and damn near everything in between were met with confusion and chaos as a blatantly unconstitutional executive order was signed by President Donald Trump. It was accompanied by an Office of Management and Budget memo declaring federal funds would be frozen until those receiving federal dollars – approved by Congress – met Trump’s agenda. Can’t do that. A federal judge intervened at the last moment to delay the freeze. A number of Democratic Attorneys General and non-profits sued the administration. They will win.
So where was North Dakota’s Attorney General Drew Wrigley and the Republican Attorneys General? If there is a camera or a microphone and a perceived wrong from the federal government, there’s Drew playing hero one lawsuit at a time. Or so we thought. He is nowhere to be found on this constitutional issue.
Drew isn’t a dumb guy, he knows this move was a violation of the law. I do not doubt after he came out from hiding Tuesday night or Wednesday morning, he said as much to people he knew would keep it quiet. The problem is, that people looking for protection and action within the confines of the law from those with authority were met with silence. There is nothing courageous about whispering when you need to speak firmly. Unfortunately, North Dakota’s Republicans are too scared to deliver what is needed at this time. That’s not a recent development.
24 hours later Drew Wrigley did appear to remember he holds a powerful platform. And he used it – to threaten Costco for their internal business policies. Small government? Pro-business? Liberty? You’ll hear those in Drew’s campaigns, you just won’t find it consistent in his work.
Go get a damn Sam’s Club membership if you don’t like Costco’s policies and get back to working on the important things. Like making sure our seniors aren’t kicked out of nursing homes because of a power trip from the new President.