ST. PAUL, Minn. (KFGO/WCCO) – Norovirus numbers were up in December compared to the previous 12 months across the country.
Minnesota Health Department Senior Epidemiologist Amy Saupe says this is an extremely contagious disease. Norovirus is the leading cause of vomiting and diarrhea, and foodborne illness in the United States.
“People have a lot of virus when they’re sick, and then it only takes a little bit to make someone else sick,” Saupe says. “Another reason it’s so contagious is just that there’s several different strains of the virus. So, unfortunately, if you had norovirus last year, you could still get norovirus again this year.”
There are 60 known outbreaks of norovirus in Minnesota which is double what numbers were in 2023. That means at least 1,100 sick people in places that report their numbers to state officials. And likely many more that are unreported.
To put that in perspective, the Centers for Disease Control say each year, there are about 2,500 reported norovirus outbreaks in the entire United States.
During the week of Dec. 5 (the most recent time period for which data is available), the CDC reported 91 suspected or confirmed outbreaks of norovirus. That is higher than the range reported during the same period in previous periods since 2012.
The best way to keep the virus from spreading is thoroughly washing your hands for 20 seconds after using the bathroom or before preparing food, precautions Saupe says might seem like common sense but is a must to prevent more spread.
“People are probably really sick of hearing about it, but that hand washing is so important, and it really does prevent illness from being transmitted to other people,” she says. “So, it’s just a great time to think about your family and friends and do that handwashing after using the bathroom. And before preparing any food.”
That handwashing must be thorough. Norovirus is a very hardy virus. Saupe says to wash your hands properly takes twenty seconds. That’s the equivalent of singing the song “Happy Birthday” twice.
Norovirus is not related to the flu. They are caused by two totally different things. Norovirus is a virus that causes inflammation of the stomach or intestines. Most people with norovirus illness get better within 1 to 3 days; but they can still spread the virus for a few days after.
Norovirus is very contagious, but you can take steps to protect yourself and others, including:
- Wash your hands well and often.
- Cook shellfish thoroughly and wash fruits and vegetables.
- Clean and disinfect contaminated surfaces.
- Wash laundry in hot water.
- Stay home when sick for 2 days (48 hours) after symptoms stop.