2024 is over and a new year has begun. The decisions that were made in 2024 will be decisions that will define this country for decades to come. People have been placed in power, some with ideals and others with fear, that are going to be part of a change in how our nation governs. No longer will the version of three equal branches of government exist, as it’ll be just one going forward. And that one will mirror others in history. By design, a man idolized by masses will have an opportunity to rule.
That is, if we let him.
It won’t surprise you, but when I was talking history, I was going back to the 1930’s. An era where hatred was not only allowed, but encouraged. Where people were accused of being less than human. It was as if their lives and those of their children were only used for political gain, and nothing else mattered. A time where the most profitable business you could start up was selling yellow cloth.
I was asked on-air if I would care if Kamala Harris would have been given and used this much power. My answer then was, and always will be, yes. No person should have legislators giving their oath in fear they can’t uphold it. Unlike some in the media, I won’t kiss the ring or bend the knee. I will continue to speak the truth.
To be fair, this responsibility doesn’t solely lie with the Trump zealots. It lies with my party as well. My party has become a party the middle class in this country no longer looks to lead. Democrats worry about issues that are never mentioned at kitchen tables. They judge people by where they live and where they attended school. Never once seeking out the very people that need them and placing those people in a position where they can be heard. A position where they actually can lead and aren’t just asked to follow.
So, where do we go from here? What do those of us that can see it, do about it? The answer is simple: We challenge them with every skill and fiber we have. We don’t wake in fear of retribution. Whether it comes from the left or the right, we remind our parties of what they’re talking about at those kitchen tables, rather than what they’re told to talk about. In other words, we need to listen.
2025 is up to us.
Good riding with you,