Officer Brandon Rittenour (photo provided, Fargo police)
FARGO (KFGO) – A Fargo police officer has been placed on paid administrative leave after his arrest for drunken driving.
The department says Brandon Rittenour was arrested shortly after 2 a.m. Monday. He was not on-duty.
Officers responded to the 1100 block of 42nd St. S after a report that a car had struck three unoccupied vehicles and a dumpster in the parking lot of an apartment complex. Rittenour, 33, was arrested for DUI actual physical control and DUI test refusal. He was also cited for not providing valid proof of liability insurance and given a warning for care required. Because of overcrowding at the Cass County Jail, He was released after agreeing to appear in court.
Police Chief Dave Zibolski says Rittenour will be afforded the same rights as anyone else as his case moves through the court process.
The Cass County Sheriff’s Office was called to the scene and arrested Rittenour. An internal investigation is also underway.
Rittenour joined the department about a year ago and is a patrol officer in the Neighborhood Services Division.