A lot of things have happened since we last spoke by blog. So let’s look at just a couple of big things:
Tony Bender passed away. It’s a huge loss to all of us, and I have no doubt that in my lifetime, there’ll never be a better writer. If you’re like me at all, there wasn’t one article of his you hadn’t read. The sheer brilliance of making you read his article twice was proof enough, but the fact you didn’t always get it in the first read closed the deal.
There’s never going to be another Tony. Some will rush to write just for the claim of getting it first, rushing so hard they’re all over the place. Others will be honest enough with their readers to show they don’t give a damn if it pisses them off. But none will be able to do it with humor the way Tony did.
Next thing:
The President-elect of the United States of America is announcing the people he wants to surround him. And it’s clear the only criteria is they’re willing to agree through it all. It’s also clear that not only does Trump intend to leave a historic legacy, but also intends to change how America is governed. No longer will there be three equal branches of government. No, from January on, there’ll only be the Executive Branch.
And why shouldn’t there be? Trump told you everything he was going to do, and the majority of the American people wanted it. They look at the man with idolizing respect. Not only wishing it could be them next, but hoping their children will be as well.
I see my job as actually challenging that. I will do everything I can to point out when he’s wrong no matter the price. To do things like Tony would have.
Just not with as much talent.
Good riding with you,