MN DNR K-9 Conservation Officers
District 1 โ Baudette area
Last updated: 2023-10-30
CO Ben Huener (Roseau) checked duck, archery deer, and grouse-hunting activity. Area wildlife management areas were patrolled coming up to the rifle season, with illegal stands and cameras being found. Other investigations were done with CO Fontes.
CO Jeremy Woinarowicz (Thief River Falls-West) spoke to two classes at East Grand Forks Senior High on conservation officer roles and career opportunities. He also conducted a radio interview with a local radio station on new regulations for the upcoming firearms deer season. Investigations into deer-baiting violations were also conducted.
CO Nicholas Prachar (Blackduck North) reports that weather has kept the small-game hunters out of the woods recently. A few dedicated hunters have connected with grouse, though. Time was spent working small-game and big-game-hunting activity.
CO Demosthenes Regas (Blackduck South) reports working big-game, small-game and boating activity throughout this past week. Time was spent patrolling ATV and ORV trails monitoring complaint areas and issuing wildlife-possession permits. Enforcement action for the week included shining deer while in possession of a firearm, transporting a loaded firearm in a motor vehicle and expired watercraft-registration violations.
CO Tony Hams (Warroad North) spent the week checking area small-game hunters and following up with various complaints.
CO Coby Fontes (Warroad South) spent the week following up on miscellaneous cases before the beginning of the rifle deer season. Enforcement action was taken for driving after revocation and no proof of insurance.
District 2 โ Bemidji area
Last updated: 2023-10-30
CO Tom Hutchins (Crookston) continued field training with COC Brady Manteufel. Follow ups on personal property left on public land, potential wetland violations, and calls about the upcoming deer season and license requirements were handled. Follow ups on big-game harvesting was also conducted. Education was also provided to youth at an ATV safety certification class.
CO Brice Vollbrecht (Bemidji #1) monitored area trails for ATV and grouse-hunting activity. A deer farm inspection was completed and several calls were taken with questions regarding the upcoming deer season. Time was spent checking anglers on area lakes.
CO Andrew Goodman (Perham) found waterfowl hunters needing to break up skim ice in order to place decoys over the weekend. The cold front produced fewer birds than expected but it did get other wildlife on their feet, with some finding success harvesting deer, turkeys and pheasants. Reports of wanton waste and illegal dumping were investigated. He also fielded various calls about the upcoming deer season.
CO Jake Swedberg (Detroit Lakes) continued to check duck and small-game hunters throughout the week. Many ducks have moved into the area but they are flying pretty high and avoiding hunters. Swedberg also prepared for the upcoming rifle deer season.
CO Al Peterson (Osage) worked a trespass case with possible formal charges pending. A check of a spruce bow harvester resulted in pending charges for driving under a cancelled license, improper license plates and no insurance.
CO Bill Landmark (Pelican Rapids) continued field training with COC Jamus Veit. The officers spent time checking anglers and waterfowl hunters and starting deer season investigations. Anglers braving the cold weather were having success and the cold weather also blew some new ducks and geese into the area. Deer activity has also increased, as did the occurrence of car/deer collisions. Motorists are reminded that if they wish to possess a car-killed deer, they need to obtain a permit. Enforcement action was taken for hunting/fishing without licenses in possession, no Type IV throwable, and failure to obtain a burning permit.
CO Brett Fox (Bemidji #2) spent the week patrolling for ATV, angling, and hunting activity. Fox spent time preparing for the upcoming deer season and inspecting public lands in the area. Enforcement action was taken concerning motor vehicle use in a state forest area where it is restricted.
Bagley vacant.
District 3 โ Fergus Falls area
Last updated: 2023-10-30
CO Hanna Wood (Fergus Falls) focused this week?s enforcement efforts on small-game enforcement including pheasant and waterfowl, as well as archery deer. She also attended the memorial service at Alexandria Technical College for fallen Pope County Deputy Josh Owen.
CO Tricia Plautz (Henning) took several calls on upcoming deer season questions and trespass issues. Plautz worked area complaints on duck hunters and illegal archery hunting for deer. Injured-animal calls were handled and a fawn deer that was stuck in a fence was released and on his way.
CO Ryan Brown (Elbow Lake) reports checking duck and pheasant hunters over the week. Angling activity continues to rise with some success. Brown received a call of two bucks locked together. He utilized his shotgun and shot the antlers apart. He also assisted local agencies with crashes and answered calls regarding the upcoming deer season.
CO Shane Osborne (Evansville) checked waterfowl, pheasant and archery deer hunters. Calls of injured animals were received and responded to. An ATV safety class was held in Underwood.
CO Mitch Lawler (Alexandria) worked waterfowl hunters this week as cold weather helped push ducks around. Several hunters had numerous birds in hand. Two dirt bike operators were cited for driving their unregistered bikes illegally on townships roads. They had wandered off private property, where they were lawfully operating, and ran roads, falling into violation. AR pistol legality questions are constantly being taken.
CO Felicia Znajda (Osakis) focused her week on small-game and big-game activity. She is continuing to see some birds in the bag, especially over the weekend. There were minimal deer-harvest reports, but the word is deer are moving. Several deer-possession tags were issued. Cases of deer being dumped were investigated.
CO Emily Douvier (Morris) reports working on various tasks for the district and training staff. A trespass complaint was also handled and questions about firearms safety were answered.
CO Daniel Baumbarger (Glenwood) reports enforcement efforts for the week were concentrated on checking waterfowl hunters, pheasant hunters, and deer hunters. Additional time was spent checking anglers, ATV operators, and investigating a wetland violation complaint.
District 4 โ Walker area
Last updated: 2023-10-30
CO Adam Seifermann (Staples) reports attending a youth event with K9 Jet and other law enforcement partners. He also investigated big-game complaints, dogs-pursing-deer complaints, patrolled public lands ahead of the deer opener and checked big- and small-game hunters. K9 Jet was utilized for evidence detection. Time was also spent at the yearly Camp Ripley deer hunt.
CO Patrick McGowan (Walker) worked waterfowl and angling activity throughout the past week. The recent cold snap helped improve bird numbers for a few days, while fishing remains slow. Enforcement action was taken for numerous violations.
CO Michael Cross (Lake George) worked small-game, migratory waterfowl, and big-game enforcement along with conducting training and equipment maintenance. Cross fielded many questions from the public and responded to calls for service. Cross additionally followed up on open cases and worked on closing out ongoing cases before the firearms deer opener.
CO Corey Sura (Remer) checked duck and grouse hunters as many were trying to get some of their last duck hunts in before freeze-up. Others are preparing to switch gears for deer season. Violations encountered include no licenses in personal possession, hunting waterfowl with an unplugged shotgun, and hunting waterfowl without a federal duck stamp.
CO Jordan Anderson (Wadena) spent time preparing for the upcoming firearms deer season. Numerous calls were handled regarding property line issues and dogs running at large. Trails and lakes were pretty quiet over the weekend.
CO Mark Mathy (Cass Lake) continued working with a new conservation officer. The officers primarily checked small-game, big-game, and trapping activity. A few anglers were seen but the cold weather is already starting to bring ice to small shallow ponds. The officers also investigated a public waters alteration complaint. Work continues following up on ongoing big-game investigations.
CO Jacque Johnson (Longville) checked hunting and angling activity. She assisted with a car vs. deer accident and investigated various hunting complaints. Enforcement action was taken for a juvenile without a helmet on an ATV.
ATV rec officer vacant.