By Doug Leier
When it comes to work in the outdoors and natural resources fields, most people understand the role of fisheries and wildlife biologists. Talking to an upland game biologist about the pheasant counts or seeing a fisheries crew stocking pike in spring or checking nets in summer is a pretty frequent occurrence. If you see a Game and Fish truck at the gas station, it’s a little less obvious who they are and what they do.
But game wardens are the most visible and recognized employees. The 4×4 pickup truck, badge, boat, ATV and other equipment make game wardens a little easier to identify, and we understand their role. There’s a pretty good chance they’ll also know what’s been going on at your favorite fishing spot and how the pheasant and deer numbers are around the area.
Even more, the game warden’s job entails the most specific interaction with hunters and anglers. Checking safety equipment on the water and licenses in the field. Responding to poaching calls and regulation compliance are just a few of the duties of game wardens.
Scott Winkelman, North Dakota Game and Fish Department enforcement division chief, provides a look at the recent statistical analysis of the enforcement division for 2022.
“The effort and professionalism exhibited by game wardens of this fine state are second to none, and I am extremely proud of the work they all do in protecting our wildlife, habitat, and those who enjoy it,” he said. “They truly are the ‘best of the best’ in law enforcement.”
While you may know who the local game warden is and maybe have been checked by a game warden in a different area while you were hunting and fishing, the amount of work and responsibility game wardens of North Dakota are responsible for is really eye opening.
North Dakota has the third smallest number of wildlife law enforcement officers in the nation, with 38 full time game wardens, with each patrolling districts covering an estimated 2,438 square miles. Only Delaware (30) and Rhode Island (32) have fewer game wardens. When you consider that those states are about the same size as Cass and Grand Forks counties, it really is a testament to the amount of great work our game wardens do.
Below you’ll see some numbers to help quantify the field contacts, incidents and citiations from the most recent year. It is important to note that by state law all fines and fees collected due to convictions for these citations are paid to the county where the violation occurred and added to the state school fund. The Game and Fish Department does not receive any funding from the fines or fees associated with citations issued.
2022 Citations
Big Game
Illegal taking/possession of big game 42
Total 139
Small Game
Exceeding Limit 56
Total 292
Inadequate number of PFDs 268
Total 673
Exceed Limit 86
Total 323
Use of motor vehicle off established trail 61
Total 177
Hunting/fishing/trapping without proper license 222
Total 480
Wildlife Management Areas
Failure to obey posted regulations 52
Total 109
Possession of controlled substance 37
Total 202
2022 Field Contacts
Resident 34,008
Nonresident 12,555
2022 Highest Incidence by County
Ramsey 235
McLean 165
Total 2,730
2022 Citations Top Counties
Ramsey 324
Williams 123
Total 2,389