The Bien Ranch of Veblen has been selected as the recipient of the 2022 South Dakota Leopold Conservation Award®.
Given in honor of renowned conservationist, Aldo Leopold, the award recognizes farmers, ranchers and forestland owners who inspire others with their dedication to the land, water and wildlife habitat management on private, working land.
In South Dakota, the award is presented annually by Sand County Foundation, American Farmland Trust, South Dakota Cattlemen’s Association, and the South Dakota Grassland Coalition.
Bien Ranch is operated by Neil and Muriel Bien, along with Neil’s brothers Boyd and Lyle and their families. The ranch was homesteaded in 1888 by Ole Bien.
Governor Kristi Noem announced Bien Ranch as the South Dakota Leopold Conservation Award recipient in conjunction with Earth Day. The Biens will be formally presented with the $10,000 award at the South Dakota Cattlemen’s Association’s Annual Convention in December.
“Looking at the Bien family’s operation, it’s clear they see the ecological big picture and understand that if we identify and feed the needs of the environment, the environment will then help us feed the needs of our operations. Many of us have thought that in the back of our mind, but few of us take the steps to implement conservation practices to the extent the Biens have,” said Eric Jennings, South Dakota Cattlemen’s Association President. “The Biens are a great example of what long-term ecological goals and objectives can accomplish. SDCA applauds their accomplishments and congratulates them on being awarded the 2022 Leopold Conservation Award.”
“The Bien’s focus on conservation, while conserving the grasslands and wetlands on their family ranch, is commendable and we congratulate them on receiving the 2022 South Dakota Conservation Award,” said Brett Nix, South Dakota Grassland Coalition Chairman. “We look forward to continuing to highlight their conservation story throughout the year.”
The Leopold Conservation Award Program in South Dakota made possible thanks to the generous support of American Farmland Trust, South Dakota Cattlemen’s Association, South Dakota Grassland Coalition, Sand County Foundation, First Dakota National Bank, South Dakota Department of Agriculture, South Dakota Farm Bureau Federation, South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks, South Dakota State University College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences, SD DENR Discovery Center, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Audubon Dakota, Bad River Ranches, Belle Fourche River Watershed Partnership, Blair Brothers Angus Ranch, Cammack Ranch, Daybreak Ranch, Ducks Unlimited, Jim and Karen Kopriva, McDonald’s, Millborn Seeds, North Central SARE-Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education, South Dakota Pheasants Forever, Professional Alliance, South Dakota Association of Conservation Districts, South Dakota Soil Health Coalition, The Nature Conservancy, Todd Mortenson Family, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service-Partners for Fish and Wildlife, and Wagner Land & Livestock.
Sand County Foundation and American Farmland Trust present the Leopold Conservation Award to private landowners in 24 states for extraordinary achievement in voluntary conservation. For more information on the award, visit www.leopoldconservationaward.