Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) WCCO Radio
ST. PAUL, Minn. (KFGO KVRR) – Gov. Tim Walz has activated the Minnesota National Guard as the trial for three former Minneapolis police officers involved in the death of George Floyd is coming closer to the end in St. Paul.
“Out of an abundance of caution for the safety of Minnesotans, and at the request of the City of Saint Paul, I have authorized the Minnesota National Guard to make preparations to assist local law enforcement agencies as needed,” Walz said.
“The National Guard will be available to help keep the peace, ensure public safety, and allow for peaceful demonstrations.”
Walz’s order also tells the National Guard to be prepared should Minneapolis request additional public safety support following the death of Amir Locke.
Walz says the order does not direct the Minnesota National Guard to assume posts throughout the Twin Cities at this time.