Not exactly a Hallmark Movie Title : “A very pepperoni Christmas”
My mom’s tradition is Pizza Corner for Christmas dinner. Before you cast judgement there’s some history and intention behind it. The choice of pizza began 30+ years ago when we were headed out to ski in Montana and friends from LaMoure were meeting us in Valley City. Rather than spend hours preparing a traditional Christmas dinner & then delay the trip by cleaning up. We decided to enjoy Pizza Corner.
As we grew up and moved to different parts of North Dakota, got married and our own families grew the intentional choice of Pizza Corner fit for a variety of reasons. Rather than slave away in the kitchen grandma wanted to spend as much precious time with her kids and grand kids instead of baking bread, pealing potatoes and creating a meal.
Then consider the modern day celebration of Christmas at one parents, the other grand parents and your own. You may have turkey twice, meatballs, mashed potatoes. But if one family gathering enjoys a tradition of Thanksgiving meatballs. Odds are the other two, three or 4th Christmas isn’t going to be pizza.
It’s a tradition unlike most other Christmas dinners. But once again the Leier’s in Valley City will enjoy more time together, less time washing dishes and enjoying family time. Thanks to Pizza Corner.