FARGO (KFGO Prairie Public Radio) – The Medical Director for Infection Prevention and Control with Fargo’s Sanford Hospital says it’s time to end excuses and own-up to the pandemic.
Doctor Avish Nagpal said the situation is dire. He said hospital capacity across North Dakota is dwindling as the number of COVID-19 cases surge in all areas.
“Even though we are health care workers, we are humans first, and how we are feeling right now is no different from the community” Nagpal said.
“I understand everybody’s tired, I understand everybody’s socially isolated, but with such high numbers in the hospital, we are asking our doctors and nurses to work overtime and they are seeing patients who are dying in front of their eyes,” Nagpal said.
Nagpal says masking up and reducing exposure to large crowds are easy-to-do and effective steps. He says waiting for so-called “herd immunity” is not a good plan.