Here’s my disclaimer: The votes I took as a North Dakota State Senator were nowhere near the caliber of those who are casting votes in Congress. However, every Senator (no matter the level of Government), has votes that define them.
And, the vote Senator Hoeven is about to make will do just that, define him.
His years of public service and life’s work are about to be remembered and talked about in classrooms for generations. If he keeps his word, Senator Hoeven plans to help rush through a Supreme Court Justice. And it isn’t because of the quality of the nominee.
It’ll be remembered because of the way they’re doing it. The hypocrisy of how we got there. And the outright lies to the American people.
The goal of the Republican Party, and their dedication to President Trump, has always been about controlling the Supreme Court. They had the votes to make sure Merrick Garland didn’t get a hearing. So he didn’t. Justice Kennedy was loyal enough to retire during a Republican administration. And anyone with common sense knew there was a chance Justice Ginsburg wouldn’t out live President Trump’s first term.
So, here we are. The goal has been achieved. The Republicans have control of the Supreme Court. All the “BS” that comes with Trump was worth it. And now with the Supreme Court stacked, conservatives will be able to legislate from the bench.
The cost will just be reputations. And maybe, if they were honest, it wouldn’t have even cost that… All they needed to say is “we did it because we could”.
Good riding with you,