(Photo of SY Ingmar during 2020 growing season)
According to USDA, SY Ingmar is the top variety in North Dakota for 2020, accounting for nearly 20% of the six million acres of spring wheat planted. It is the leading spring wheat variety planted in the northwest, north central, west central, central, southwest, and south central districts. SY Ingmar was released by Syngenta/AgriPro in 2014 and has semi-dwarf height, strong straw
strength, high grain protein, medium-maturity, and good milling and baking quality.
SY Valda ranks second with 12.5% of the spring wheat planted. It is the leading spring wheat variety planted in the northeast, east central, and southeast districts. Released in 2015 by Syngenta/AgriPro, SY Valda has semi-dwarf height, very good straw strength, medium-late maturity, very good disease tolerance, and average milling and baking quality.
WB 9590 ranks third with slightly more than 6% of the spring wheat planted. Released in 2017 by WestBred, WB 9590 has semi-dwarf height, high protein potential, medium maturity, and strong straw strength.
SY Soren ranks fourth with roughly 4% of the spring wheat planted. Released in 2011 by Syngenta/AgriPro, SY Soren has semi-dwarf height, strong straw strength, medium-early maturity, and good milling and baking quality.