FARGO (KFGO) – Former Fargo City Commissioner Arlette Preston is running for the commission again.
She was on the commission from 1992 to 2000. Preston says she’d bring a different perspective to the commission with her involvement in healthcare, working with the elderly and the arts.
“I am running for the Fargo City Commission to a bring a different perspective to the commission,” Preston said. “As a woman with a passion to serve, with my experience in healthcare and history of serving the elderly, and with my involvement in the arts, I will bring a voice that’s been missing in the decision-making in the City Commission,” Preston added.
Commissioner Tony Grindberg is seeking his second term. Also running are NDSU faculty member Doug Rymph and Ritchell Aboah, who is in the banking industry. Commissioner John Strand has not made an announcement on whether he’ll run for another term.
Preston also served on the Fargo School Board for four years. More recently, she was involved in establishing the City of Fargo Arts & Culture Commission, serving as its chair for two years. Preston was a founding member of the Downtown Neighborhood Association and is active with the Fargo Neighborhood Coalition.