Facebook is going to let you know today if your data was shared with the firm Cambridge Analytica. Facebook says it will send messages to the 87-million users who had their data improperly given to the firm starting today.
Look for a link at the top of your news feed which will detail what apps are connected to your account and what information is being shared. (
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comes after unrest among users after it was revealed that Cambridge Analytica
was connected to Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and used the data to target people during the election.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is in Washington DC and is scheduled to testify before Congress on Tuesday and Wednesday. He will address data privacy issues in the wake of the Cambridge Analytica scandal. (
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Also reported today, is that a co-founder of Apple, Steve Wozniak, is joining the #DeleteFacebook movement because of its exploitation of people’s data. (
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